Hey friend!

If you’re diving into the world of fasting and looking for a guide that gets into the nitty-gritty of how fasting affects women, especially those of us over 40, then you’ll want to listen up about Dr. Mindy Pelz’s “Fast Like a Girl”. I just finished the audiobook, and I’m here to share why I think this might be the resource you’ve been waiting for.

Dr. Pelz isn’t just another health guru; she’s a woman who dives deep into the science of fasting, explaining what happens in your body at each phase of a fast. It’s fascinating how she aligns fasting strategies with the menstrual cycle, ensuring that we, as women, get the most out of this experience without disrupting our hormonal balance.

One of my favorite parts of the book is the emphasis on timing—knowing when to fast according to your cycle can be a game changer for managing symptoms and maximizing benefits. And when it’s time to end your fast? Dr. Pelz has you covered with advice on the right foods to reintroduce, aiming to support hormonal health, which is crucial for us in the peri-menopausal phase.

For those who are curious or even a bit apprehensive about longer fasts, Dr. Pelz sheds light on the benefits of 36 and even 72-hour fasts. She presents this information in a way that feels attainable and safe, backing it up with the science that makes you feel comfortable and confident to try these longer durations.

The book doesn’t just throw science at you; it comes packed with recipes that support a fasting lifestyle, tailored specifically to our needs as aging women. Plus, if you’re like me and enjoy a visual learning experience, you’ll appreciate her YouTube videos, which complement the insights from the book beautifully.

For additional support, Dr. Pelz hosts the Resetter Collective on Facebook—a community of like-minded individuals who are exploring fasting together. It’s a great place to share experiences, ask questions, and find encouragement on your fasting journey.

In essence, “Fast Like a Girl” is more than just a guide to intermittent fasting—it’s a comprehensive approach to understanding and implementing fasting in a way that supports women’s health, especially during and after the transition into menopause.

If you’re interested in giving it a read, or rather a listen, check it out here on Amazon. Whether you’re looking to manage peri-menopausal symptoms or just want to enhance your overall health, this book might just be your new best friend.

Happy fasting, and remember, we’re in this together!

You can purchase the book or listen to the audiobook on Amazon

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